THE Portuguese star gave show with the ball, but should have repeated the scene sometimes, with the stairs it will be a hard obstacle. The 'cachet' of Ronaldo is going to be paid in cash and in actions of the bank Ronaldo recorded yesterday an announcement in Lisbon.
The star of the Selection was the protagonist of an announcement for the Bank Holy Spirit – with which has contract until 2008 – and was surrounded of strong safety measures. Whenever the player saĆa of the localities of the engravings – in the Avenue of the Liberty – soon be surrounded by nine securities. Even so, Ronaldo still obtained to give autographs dozen half to the extras.
The cachet was not widespread, but spring of the BES said to the CM that Ronaldo is going to receive a part in cash and another one in actions.
The extreme of the Manchester United showed dowries of actor, but confused itself when should have gone up stairs with the ball. Juvenal Boy, double of Ronaldo in the engravings, to itself left better than the superputo. "It play soccer eleven years, by that was to at ease", Boy said, of 23 years. "Was a good experience. I removed a photograph with him. Was always well arranged. Was five stars."
Rita Towers Baptist, director of strategic marketing of the bank, underlined the qualities of the star that justified the choice for the announcement: "It is a charismatic figure and that awakes a feeling of affection".
The Portuguese extreme did not do no demand in private, but arranged of a rulote alone for during the engravings of the advertising announcement, a procedure considered "normal" second springs of the output.
In full Real Prince, in Lisbon, where was installed the catering for the elements of the engravings, Cristiano Ronaldo had lunch beside technical and securities. The meal of the star of the Manchester United was esparguete with pieces of ham and panados.
Martim Cohen expected to obtain speak with the Portuguese star, but the restraints of access rendered useless the desire of the youth of 17 years: "I am a fan of the Cristiano Ronaldo. It will want to speak with him for know as is that began the career and for say that I like very of him see play."
Joana Cantaniga participated for the second time in announcements, but was to first time that saw the international one Portuguese so nearby. "It should be very pleasant and I find that is it like. At least it has very smiling state", affirmed to young of 20 years.
Ronaldo arrived about the 11h30 and alone abandoned the building of the bank already by the 18 hours and "did not complain", spring said of the output.
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