Ronaldo more of 11 thousand euros in purchases
THE star was two days in Portugal. It participated in initiatives of solidarity and took advantage of for buy the presents of Christmas. In little more of two hours, spent a fortune in a shop nearby the of Lisbon Decrease. It counted on the unconditional support of the ex brother-in-law and come back for England in the company of the mother, Dolores, and of the 'stepfather', Andrade.
The Christmas of Cristiano Ronaldo will be passed in Manchester, despite of already to have spoken freely that like to be in Portugal in that height. Since that will be impossible, the purchases natalícias did question of them do in our country. Taking advantage of the fact of in the last week to have had of be dislocated to Óbidos for promote an initiative of the Bank Holy Spirit (BES) – of which is image and holder of 36 thousand actions –, the star utilized the short available time for acquire the presents for his wives of the life: the mother and the sisters. Did not it look to expense and, in the space of two hours, disbursed more of eleven thousand euros.
The Mail Lives astonished the star in the late of past Tuesday, in the Av. Liberty, to his favorite zone for spend money, since is there that are concentrated some of the best international marks. This time, chose the Forum Tivoli for the purchases. With the brother, Hugo, the ex brother-in-law José – that was married with Kátia Aveiro ten years and whose has a son, Rodrigo, of five – and a cousin, Ronaldo was to the shop Fashion Clinic. There it was during around two hours, being a time or another one interrupted by passerbies that, incredulous, if will want to certify of that was even the player. And, it confirmed the identity, took advantage of, clear, for him ask an autograph.
During the purchases, the player had handling VIP, as well like who accompanied him. The members of staff of the shop offered them aperitifs and beverages, common perks, but that the Mail Lives knows will have been reinforced by be who was. "We ask always our clients are going to be taken something. That situation did not happen for be the Cristiano Ronaldo, despite of he be a habitual client and of the good", affirmed one of the members of staff of that shop.
The presents that the player is going to give to the family were hand-picked and, finished the incursion by the Fashion Clinic, Ronaldo paid the 11 222 euros with electronic card, leaving in direction to the Audi Q7, I park in front of the Forum. It was in that height that the Mail Lives spoke with the young star. Serviceable and smiling, Cristiano Ronaldo preferred, however, be not lengthened in the words. "They excuse, but I have nothing for say. Barely I was doing purchases for the Christmas, that, as know, will be in Manchester", explained, desiring good Christmas, before of enter for the vehicle.
The time be pressed and the player returned to his house, in the Park of the Nations, where expected mother, Dolores, the its companion, Andrade, and the sister Kátia with the small one Rodrigo. The Audi Q7 of Ronaldo stayed I park in front of the garage of the neighboring building.
The cousin smoked to the varandah and Ronaldo, Hugo and José took advantage of for put the conversation in day. However, there was short time for the fun. Cristiano Ronaldo had I fly marked for Manchester. Already they passed from the 20h00 when the player left with the mother, the 'stepfather' and José that, again, served of conductor for them cause to the Airport of Alone Sheep. Hugo and the cousin stayed at home, with Kátia and Rodrigo, for where José was after come back from the airport. The fact of Kátia and José will be joined signifies that already surpassed the problems that caused to the divorce and today mantêm a relation of friendship. Meanwhile, Cristiano Ronaldo, the mother and his companion expected to hour of the boarding. Also in the airport, the player had handling of 'star'. To the arrival, already had a landlady to his wait that directed for the departure lounge, reserved barely for special clients. During the time of wait, the three mantiveram-itself willing. Ronaldo and Andrade to were shown enough affable a with another, in a clear demonstration of that this last already is perfect integrated in the clan Aveiro.
The 'check-in' was a so much or how much lengthy, due to the excess of luggage. Beyond the presents of Cristiano Ronaldo, there was still countless suitcases, as well like the of its mother and of Andrade. So much luggage is going to foresee that the family will must stayed in Manchester for beyond the Christmas, prolonging the stay up to the passage of the year. The sisters of the player go for England inside an or two days, joining, in that height, to the party of the family that, with the last actions of Ronaldo in the lawns and the value of the presents, has everything for be very lively.
Cristiano Ronaldo is going to be driven. By that, is normally the ex brother-in-law, José, who the tappet for all interest, be in Portugal or in England. Beyond it dispense with the place of the driver, the player also does not like to walk a lot and opts for leave the car nearby the fate. What went happened in this gone to the purchases. His one Audi Q7 was left in the park of taxi, in front of the shop. The infraction lasted two hours, but Cristiano Ronaldo left without any fine, benefiting of the complicity of the agents of authority, that by there circulated. They placed this, the player repeated the achievement. It arrived home, in the Park of the Nations, withdrew a grille that prohibited the stop by car in front of the garage of a building beside its for that José was able to I park. A hour afterwards, the doorman of him said building touched to his door and asked him that the Audi went secluded. José changed the car and the case resolved itself to well.
To the exception of an article, the remainders buys efectuadas by Cristiano Ronaldo were for woman. They destine itself it present mother and the sisters in the night of the Consoada, that will be past in their house, in Alderdey Edge, one of the richest zones of England. The purchases made up a total of 11 222 euros.
The star of the Manchester United bought two suitcases of lady, with signature of the Italian couturier Valentino. A tigrada, in the value of 2230 euros, and to another one, of black skin, evaluated in 1513 euros.
Because in England, the coldness is of crack, the player is going to offer to one of the sisters a coat of the mark Etro. By this item of clothing, designed by Veronica Etro, Cristiano Ronaldo paid to modest amount of 5090 euros.
After the coats, the star of the Manchester United been not stayed this way in the female offerings. It bought still two pair of boots, with the seal of the Prada: a pair cost 890 euros and another 590.
During the time that passed in the Fashion Clinic, Cristiano Ronaldo took advantage of still for lead more footwear. It paid 490 euros by some shoes of lady of the Prada, in skin of leopard.
A pair of ténis was the only article that the player chose in the male sector. The mark chosen was Dolce & Gabbana, having disbursed 419 euros.
With the brother Hugo, the ex brother-in-law José and a cousin, Cristiano Ronaldo entered in the Fashion Clinic, in the Forum Tivoli, in Lisbon, for its purchases. Had service VIP, with right to aperitifs and beverages. It spent 11 222 euros in presents for the mother, Dolores, and sisters, Elma and Kátia.
After leave of the Av. Liberty, the player was home seek mother and his companion, Andrade. Joined, headed to the Airport of Alone Sheep. Had journey marked of return to Manchester. To good arrangement reigned while expected for him I fly.
Was after death of the father of the star, Diniz Aveiro, that the mother refez to his life, despite of be separate there is a long time of the husband. Andrade was not very well received by Cristiano Ronaldo. But, now, the two they are going to have found a break-even point in their relation.
Again, Cristiano Ronaldo and the family had handling VIP. In the Alone Airport Sheep, in Lisbon, the trio was received by a landlady that led for the departure lounge reserved to special clients, while did not arrive the order for enter in the plane route to Manchester.